handoff, hard handoff, and | call interruptions. | |
dynamic RF power control | The Cellular and PCS CDMA | |
CDMA Standard |
| |
technologies combine to reduce | networks consist of MSO (Mobile | |
| Designator | Description |
Interface |
| |
Basic Air | CDMA Dual Mode Air Interface | |
| 14.4kbps radio link protocol and inter- | |
| ANSI | band operations |
| ||
| ANSI TIA/EIA 553A | cdma2000 1xRTT AirInterface |
Network | ||
| TIA/EIA/IS/651 | |
| Intersystem operations | |
| ||
Service | Speech CODEC | |
| Short message service | |
| Packet Data | |
| Position Determination | |
| Service (gpsOne) | |
| High Speed Packet Data | |
Performance | Cellular base station | |
| Cellular mobile station | |
| ANSI | PCS personal station |
| ANSI | PCS base station |
| Speech CODEC |
Technical Details