￿Minimal host application outages.

The disadvantages of remote copy technologies are:

￿The same storage device types are required. For example, in a Metro Mirror configuration you need ESS 800 mirroring to a DS8000 (or an IBM approved configuration), but cannot have a non-IBM disk system mirroring to a DS8000.

￿Physical volume ID (PVID) and device name are not maintained if not under LVM.

9.5.5Migration services and appliances

The following IBM migration services and appliances are available:

￿IBM Piper Services Offering

￿IBM SAN Volume Controller

These data migration services and appliances provide smooth, risk-averse data migration to your DS8000. The advantages of these migration methods are:

￿Facilitated by custom migration tools.

￿Minimal customer involvement by IT staff, except planning.

￿Minimal disruption or outages to IT operations.

￿Online migrations can occur while continuing IT operations.

￿Tunable migration rate to eliminate impact to applications.

￿Transparent to application servers.

￿High throughput tool minimizes migration duration.

￿Delivered by team experienced with many migrations.

￿Maintains data integrity during migration.

￿Can fall back to the original data and storage device.

￿Large number of operating systems and storage systems supported.

The disadvantages of migration appliances are:

￿Cost of migration appliance or service.

￿Application disruption to install and remove appliance.

See Appendix C, “Service and support offerings” on page 407 for storage services offerings.

9.5.6 z/OS data migration methods

Figure 9-15 on page 186 lists a number of data migration methods available to migrate data from existing disk systems to the DS8000 in a zSeries environment.

Chapter 9. Configuration planning


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IBM DS8000 manual Migration services and appliances, 6 z/OS data migration methods, 185