The functions for the keys and display windows on the treadmill console are listed and described in this section. See Section 3, titled The Workouts, for detailed information on using the console to set up workouts.
AELEVATION ARROW keys: Press these keys to select an elevation level during a workout setup or to change the ele- vation while a workout is in progress.
BSTOP: Press this key to stop a
CSELECT: Press this key during a workout setup to select a workout type
DSELECT PLUS and MINUS: Press these keys after pressing the SELECT key to scroll through workout options during a workout setup.
ESTART: Press this key to start a workout.
FSPEED ARROW keys: Press these keys to select a speed during a workout setup or to change speed while a workout is in progress.
GELEVATION DATA window: During a workout setup, this window displays the selected elevation. During a workout-
HTIME DATA window: During a
ICALORIES DATA window: During a
JDISTANCE DATA window: During a
KSPEED DATA window: During a workout setup, this window displays the selected speed. During a
LSTOP KEY: A magnetized key that cuts the main power in emergency situations.
The treadmill features an emergency system that cuts the main power of the unit to stop the treadmill if the user falls. The system consists of a key (A) that is inserted into a
CAUTION: Pulling out the key brings the treadmill to an immediate, dead stop, which can be danger- ous. Only pull out the key in emergencies. To stop the treadmill under routine circumstances, simply press the STOP key, which brings the treadmill to a gradual stop.
Replace the key to reset the system. The treadmill will start up only when the safety key has been properly inserted into the keyholder in the console.