In the HILL and RANDOM workouts, these varying hills occur for equal durations, as discussed
in the HILL workout description. It is possible to change the incline percentage manually, but the
change remains in effect only for the duration of the hill in question. When the workout program
brings up a new hill, the incline percentage changes automatically to match that hill.
To change levels during a workout, use the ARROW keys or the NUMERIC keypad.


The InstaPaceTM Feedback feature enables users to monitor their pace, or rate of minutes
per mile, while running on the treadmill. This feature must be enabled in the Managers
Configuration. See Section 5, titled The Managers Configuration, for more information. Also, the
treadmill speed must be at least 4.5 MPH. The MESSAGE CENTER displays the MPH and
pace simultaneously when the user adjusts the treadmill speed with the ARROW KEYS. If the
user adjusts the speed using the NUMERIC keypad, the MESSAGE CENTER displays the pace
after the treadmill reaches the new speed.


If, during a workout, a user decreases the speed to the minimum and continues to hold the
DECREASE SPEED ARROW, the speed falls to 0 MPH, which is pause mode. The minimum
speed is 0.5 MPH, unless changed in the Manager s Configuration. See section 5.2, titled
Configuration Settings, for more information.


Life Fitness' unique Cool-Down Protocol automatically customizes every cool-down based on
each user's workout performance. Workout performance factors, such as speed, incline, dura-
tion, and heart rate, determine the duration and intensity of the cool-down.
The dimming feature controls the brightness of the treadmill console display. To change the
default brightness setting, press the CUSTOM PLUS button repeatedly until the MESSAGE
CENTER displays DIMMING, and press ENTER. Then, use the ARROW keys to increase or
decrease the brightness to the desired setting, and press ENTER to save the new setting; or
press CLEAR to revert to the default brightness setting.
If a new brightness setting is selected for a workout, that setting remains in place until it is man-
ually changed, or the workout concludes. When a new workout begins, the brightness reverts to
the default setting.
When the treadmill is connected to a network, the MESSAGE CENTER displays a prompt to
log on with a personal ID number. Press ENTER. Then, using the NUMERIC KEYPAD, enter the
correct digits of the ID number, and press ENTER again.