K852-70 - Cable Plug Kit for 1/0-2/0 cable. Attaches to welding cable to provide quick disconnect from machine.
K1622-1 Twist-Mate adapter for PTA-9 & 17 Air- Cooled TIG torches – Adapter for PTA-9 or PTA-17 TIG torches with one-piece cable. The quick connect plug provides connection for both gas and welding current.
K1622-3 Twist-Mate adapter for PTA-26 Air-Cooled TIG torches – Adapter for PTA-26 TIG torches with one-piece cable. The quick connect plug provides connection for both gas and welding current.
K1622-4 – Twist-Mate adapter for Water-Cooled TIG torches. Adapter for PTW-18 and -20 Torches.
TIG Torch Parts Kits - Parts kits are available for the TIG torches. These kits include back cap, collets, col- let bodies, nozzles and tungstens.
Order KP510 for PTW-20 Water-cooled torches
Order KP507 for PTA-9 torches
Order KP508 for PTA-17 torches
Order KP509 for PTA-26 & PTW-18 torches
Order KP2414-1Gas Lens Parts kit for PTA-9 torches
See publication E12.150 for parts kits breakdown.
Cut Length Consumables - TIG welding filler metals are available for welding stainless steel, mild steel, aluminum and copper alloys. See publication C9.10.