| ||||
If the optional 25 foot Control Cable Extension is used, | Problems with the trigger interlock may be experienced | |||||||
it should be plugged into the | when using the MIG PULSER with an | |||||||
wye adapter and then into the MIG Pulser. Only one | which has a | |||||||
Control Cable Extension should be used; do not series | replace with the latest Power PC Board available. | |||||||
multiple extensions together. Using 50 foot or longer | CONNECTING A SPOOL GUN | |||||||
control cables will cause the signals traveling between | ||||||||
the V300 and the MIG Pulser to degrade, leading to |
| |||||
poor welding performance. |
| Refer to Figure A.3 for information about connecting a | ||||
| ||||
NOTE: The voltage meter on the wire feeder will not | spool gun in conjunction with the MIG PULSER. | |||||||
| ||||||
display voltage due to the lack of a 21 lead in the feed- | " | |||||||
er connection. |
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Pulse welding generates high peak currents, which in |
| ||||||
| ||||||||
turn cause large voltage drops in welding cables. It is |
| |||||
essential that large cables (2/0 minimum) are used and |
| |||||
that all connections are clean and tight. |
| ! |
| |||||
| ||
Because of voltage drops, the total length of the weld- | $$ |
| |||||
%& |
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| ||||||
ing leads (work lead length plus electrode lead length) |
| |||||
should not exceed 50 feet. If longer cables are used, |
| |||||||
| ! | ||||||
the maximum | achievable output | voltage will be |
| ||||
| ||||||
reduced. |
| ||
| |||
| ||
NOTE: Do not coil the output cables around any |
| |||||||
metal object. |
| ||
| ||||
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| |||||||
| ||||
Using the MIG PULSER with a |
| |||||||
| ||||||||
installation of the voltage board bypass jumper. Other |
| |||||
adapters as called for in the V300 | manual are not | Figure A.2 Control Cable Connection. | ||||||
needed for this usage, but can be left in if already pre- | ||||||||
| ||||||
sent. |
Figure A.3 Spool Gun Connection Diagram.