Lochinvar 1 service manual Service, Maintenance, Troubleshooting

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What is in this manual?


Near boiler piping

• Typical system components

The SMART TOUCH display

• Touch screen readout, buttons and their functions

Control module inputs

• Control module inputs and options

Control module outputs

• Control module outputs and options


How the boiler operates

How the control module operates

Access modes -- user and installer

Sequence of operation -- Hot Water Generation (HW)/space heating

Control panel menu access

A c c e s s i n gp r o g r a m m i n g mode and locating menus

(See separate guides covering the PC interface.)

Control panel parameter access

• Accessing and changing parameters from the touch screen

Quick start information -- parameter table

An index of available adjustments and readouts, where to access them and where to find detailed information.

SYNC operation

Service / Setup

Set Points

Outdoor Reset

Night Setback




Service Manual


Service and maintenance schedules

Address reported problems

Inspect boiler area and boiler interior

Clean condensate trap

Check all piping for leaks

Check air openings

Flue vent system and air piping

Check water system

Check expansion tank

Check boiler relief valve

Inspect ignition electrode

Check ignition ground wiring

Check all boiler wiring

Check control settings

Perform start-up and checks

Check burner flame

Check flame signal

Check flue gas temperature

General maintenance

Review with owner

Cleaning boiler heat exchanger

Oiled bearing circulators


Troubleshooting table - No display

Checking temperature sensors

Sensor tables

Troubleshooting table - Fault messages displayed on boiler interface

Combustion analysis procedure

Gas valve adjustment procedure


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Lochinvar 1 service manual Service, Maintenance, Troubleshooting