Lochinvar 1 service manual History Screen

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Service Manual

1 Service

History Screen:

The History Screen shows the status of various counters and faults for each control module. Selection of the control module to be viewed is accomplished by pressing the SELECT button. The control module being displayed is shown in the module box. Items that can be viewed on the History Screen are as follows:

Power Hours - Shows the number of hours the control has been powered on.

Successful Ignitions - Shows the number of times the control has successfully ignited.

Hours SH < 50% - Shows the number of hours the control has operated at less than 50%.

Total Ignitions - Shows the total number of times the control has attempted to ignite.

Last 10 Faults - Shows the last 10 faults of the control module by date and time.

Time - The time is displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the display. It is displayed in 24 hour format. Reference the night setback parameters on page 24 for information regarding adjusting the date and time.

Status button - Pressing this button displays the Status Screen. this screen shows the current status of the SYNC boiler. Reference page 13 for more information regarding this screen.

Main button - Pressing this button displays the Main Screen. From this screen, navigation to eight (8) other screens is possible. Reference the Main Screen on page 17 for more information regarding this screen.


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Lochinvar 1 service manual History Screen