Lochinvar 1 service manual Troubleshooting, Alarm Screen

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Service Manual

3 Troubleshooting

Alarm Screen:

If a fault occurs which requires a Manual Reset, the unit will go into a lockout condition and the Alarm Screen will be activated. The screen will switch between a black or red background every 5 seconds with the text “Alarm Unit Needs Servicing” shown on the display.

A message box shows the alarm status of the two (2) control modules. Mod1 is for Control Module 1 and Mod2 is for Control Module 2. A description of the alarm will be beside the control module with the fault. If a control module does not have a fault, “No Alarm Present” will be in the text.

It is possible for one control module to be in alarm while the other continues to function. However, it will not be possible to view any other screens until the control module is reset.

Reset button - The RESET button must be pressed to reset an alarm. Once the button is pressed, the Reset Confirmation Screen appears. You are asked if you wish to reset the control module. If so, press the YES button. If you do not wish to reset the control module press the NO button. If neither button is pressed within 20 seconds, the screen will return to the Alarm Screen.

Once the condition has been corrected and the alarm is reset, the Status Screen will be displayed.


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Lochinvar 1 service manual Troubleshooting, Alarm Screen