Lochinvar 1 service manual Service/Setup Parameters Screen

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Service Manual

1 Service (continued)

Service/Setup Parameters Screen:

The Service / Setup Screen allows access to 10 parameters. Those parameters are as follows:

Demand Configuration - Sets the configuration of the control modules inside the boiler. The configuration selections are:

Demand Configuration 1: Cascade Set Point Thermostat based - the control modulates the boiler based on the user set point and the temperature of the controlling sensor. An enable signal from a remote end switch or enabling device must be present to initiate a system heat call.

Demand Configuration 4: Cascade Set Point Modbus Thermostat based - the control modulates the boiler based on the user set point and the temperature of the controlling sensor. An enable signal is provided by writing to the holding registers on the Modbus communication board.

Demand Configuration 2: Cascade BMS Thermostat based - a 0 - 10Vdc signal is provided to the boiler to control either the set point or the modulation of the boiler. An enable signal from a remote end switch or enabling device must be present to initiate a system heat call.

Demand Configuration 5: Cascade Modbus BMS Thermostat based - a 0 - 10V dc signal is provided to the boiler to control either the set point or the modulation of the boiler. An enable signal and an equivalent 0 - 10V signal is provided by writing to the holding registers on the Modbus communication board.

Demand Configuration 3: Cascade BMS Voltage based - a 0 - 10Vdc signal is provided to the boiler to control either set point or modulation. A minimum voltage signal is required to initiate a system heat call.

Demand Configuration 6: Cascade Modbus BMS Voltage based - a 0 - 10V dc signal is provided to the boiler to control either set point or modulation. An equivalent 0 - 10V dc signal is provided by writing to the holding registers on the Modbus communication board.

If either BMS configuration is selected, additional parameters for BMS operation will have to be adjusted. Reference the BMS parameters on pages 27 and 28 for information regarding adjusting these parameters. There are three (3) other configuration selections that are possible, however, they must NOT be used on the SYNC boiler.

This parameter can only be changed by the installer. The default configuration is Cascade Set Point Thermostat based.

Service Notification Time - When the boiler determines that a scheduled service is due based on days of installation, the Service Needed screen will appear. This parameter can only be changed by the installer. The adjustment range for this parameter is 0 months to 36 months. The default time is 12 months.

Service Notification Running Hours - When the boiler determines that a scheduled service is due based on the hours of actual operation. This parameter can only be changed by the installer. The adjustment range for this parameter is 0 hours to 100,000 hours. The default time is 10,000 hours.

Service Notification Cycles - When the boiler determines that a scheduled service is due based on the number of boiler cycles, the Service Needed screen will appear. This parameter can only be changed by the installer. The range for this parameter is 0 cycles to 100,000 cycles. The default is 10,000 cycles.

Ramp Delay - Sets the mode of operation of the ramp delay. The selections are:

0.Off - Ramp delay disabled.

1.Step Up - The total output of the boiler or cascade will be limited after the call for heat begins.

2.Step Up / Down - The initial limitation will be determined by how long the boiler or cascade has been off. This parameter can only be changed by the installer. The default value is 0 - Off.


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Lochinvar 1 service manual Service/Setup Parameters Screen