3xLogic Vigil System Server Software - User’s Guide Doc# 08100610 Page 31
1.3.7 Using the Smart Search
Smart searching allows you to further refine your video search by performing a custom motion detection
search within a specified region of the loaded footage.
To perform a smart search, first select the “Smart Search” tab from the “Advanced Features” bar. To define
the motion search region, simply click and draw within the playback window. A mask pattern will be overlaid
on the playback window. Any time you click on a clear area, you are expanding the mask. If you start
drawing on a masked area, the mask will be removed.
Shows/hides the smart search masking area.
Offers some quick options for modifying the mask area.
Clear – Completely clears the mask.
Select All – Sets the mask to cover the entire footage.
Invert - Swaps clear and masked areas.
Sensitivity This slider controls the sensitivity of the motion detection algorithm used by smart search
function. To the left is less sensitive, requiring more definite motion; to the right is more
sensitive, detecting smaller movements.
Begins the smart search based on the current mask area.
Restores the originally loaded footage and removes all smart search masks.
Enables/disables the “Visual Tracking” feature that highlights moving objects by drawing
corners around the object as it moves.