Special Precautions with Planer-Jointer
a.Jointing Operations
Do not perform jointing operations on material shorter than
b.Planing Operations
Do not perform planing operations on material shorter than
c.Maintain the proper relationships of infeed and outfeed table surfaces and cutter head knife path.
d.Support the workpiece adequately a t all times during operation; maintain control of the work a t all times.
e.Do not back the work toward the infeed table.
f.Do not attempt to perform an abnormal or
I Forthe Planer 1
1.Dimensional Adjustment
0 The finished dimension is indicated by the arrow on the scale bar. Use the crank handle to raise or lower the table, align- ing the arrow with the desired dimension on the scale.
2.Depth of Cut
0 The height of the stopper (gaugej tells you the depth of cut. The maximum cut- ting depth is 3 mm (1/8"). Greater cuts than this may cause roller wear and even machine breakdown.