Emmision Control Warranty Statement
The California Air Resources Board arid Makita U.S.A..Inc. are pleased to explain the emissiori zo!i:rcl warranty on your 1995 and later utility and/or lawn and garden equipment engine. In California.neit utility arid lawn and garden equipment engines must be designed, built and equipped to meet the State's strqent
Your emission control system includes parts such as the carburetor or fuel injection systems the ignition system and the catalytic converter Also included are the hoses and connectors and other
Where a warrantable condition exists Makita U S A , Inc will repair your utility and/or iawr and gaicleii equip- ment at no cost to you including diagnosis parts and labor
The 1995 and later utility and/or lawn and garden equipment engines are warranted for two years I+' any em/s-
As the utility and lawn and garden equipment engine owner, you are responsible for the peiformance of the required maintenance /isfedin your owner's manual Mak/ta U S A lnc recommends that J'OLI i e h n dI receipts covering maintenance on your utility and/or lawn and garden equipment engine, but Makita U S A I'Jc cannot deny warranty solely for the lack of receipts or foryour failure to ensure the performanceoLaii scheduled main- tenance
As the utility and/or lawn and garden equipment engine owner you should be aware however that Vakita
U S A , lnc may deny you warranty coverage i f your utility and/or lawn and garden equipment engine or a part has failed due to abuse, neglect improper maintenance or unapproved modifications
You are responsible forpresenting your utility and/or lawn and garden equipment engine to a Makita U.S.A.,Inc. service center as a problem exists. The warranty repairs should be completed in a reasonable time. not to exceed 30 days.
I f you have any questions regarding your warranty rights and responsibilities,you should contact a Makita FactoryService Center Manager nearest you. A list of the Factory Service