Mamiya PRO 645 manual Attaching the Strap to the Camera, Removing the Strap from the Camera

Models: PRO 645

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Attaching the Strap to the Camera

1.While pushing down, pull out the Neck Strap Fastener (A) of the at- taching clip.

2.Place the hole of the strap fas- tener (A) over the Neck Strap on the camera body as illustrated, and pull until it clicks and locks into place.

Removing the Strap from the Camera

With your fingers, puII the Neck Strap Fastener (A) of the attaching clip up- ward and push part (B) in the direc- tion of the arrow. The strap can now be removed.

*When attaching the Strap to the Neck Strap Lug on the side of the camera with the Film Advance Crank, insert the neck strap fas- tener (A) into the lower part of the double slot.


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Mamiya PRO 645 manual Attaching the Strap to the Camera, Removing the Strap from the Camera