Mamiya PRO 645 Finder is black or very dark, Developed film has fewer exposures than specified

Models: PRO 645

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*If the camera should fail to function properly, please check the following:

1.The Shutter Release Button does not move.

Push the Battery Check Button.

If the lamp does not light, check: Is a Battery in the camera?

If yes, is it correctly inserted? (Polarity) Is it dead?

If the lamp does light, check:

Has the Film Holder Dark Slide been pulled? Is the Shutter Release Selector in the locked (Red Dot) position?

If so, move it to the White Square and try again Is the Shutter Speed Dial in the “A” ro “AEL” position?

If so, turn to other setting and try again.

2.The finder is black or very dark.

Has the Lens Cap been removed?

Is the Mirror-up Lever in the “M.UP”position? If so, turn the lever to the White Square.

Is the “AM” setting on the lens at “M" (Depth of Field Preview)?

If so, move it to “A”.

3.The Roll Film Holder cannot be removed from the camera body.

Insert the Dark Slide.

4.The developed film has fewer exposures than specified.

Most likely the Start Mark had not been aligned properly when the film was loaded. (See load ing instructions page 20 )

5.The Film Advance Crank continues to turn and does not stop.

Was the Roll Film Insert placed in the Roll Film Holder?

Was the empty fim spool left in the upper compartment?


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Mamiya PRO 645 manual Finder is black or very dark, Roll Film Holder cannot be removed from the camera body