tip polarity for
external IR input
5 volts @ less than 100 mA
If you would like more information on the possibility of using an infrared repeater with your Nº383, please contact your Mark Levinson dealer.
3DC trigger in and out
On a simpler level than PHAST, AMX, or Crestron, some systems control whether a given component is on or off (or more accu- rately, “operating” or “in standby”) by means of a simple control voltage.
If the appropriate
The Nº383 can produce and send from its trigger output either a | 21 |
5V pulse (such as a momentary contact switch might make) or a |
12V level signal (where the presence of 12V forces the unit out of standby, and its absence forces it into standby). This choice is made in the Nº383’s menu system. (See Customizing Your Nº383 for more details.)
This port is used both for downloading new operating software into your Nº383 Reference Preamplifier (should new features ever be added, for example), and also for external control of the Nº383 by systems such as AMX™ and Crestron™. For more information, please contact your dealer and ask about either AMX or Crestron home automation systems.
5Comm Port
This communications port allows the Nº383 to “link” to certain compatible Mark Levinson components. (See “Linked Functions.”) After making or changing Link connections, cycle power on all your Linked components to ensure that they “see” the change.