Special Design Features of the
Nº383 Integrated Amplifier
why an integrated? For over 25 years, the Mark Levinson brand has been associated with the world finest separate components. So why, after all this time, do we introduce an integrated amplifier?
Actually, we have been thinking of creating an integrated amplifier that we would want to put the Mark Levinson name on for years. But creating such a product, one that does not compromise or tarnish the reputation of the Mark Levinson brand, required a great deal of thought and work. Sonic performance, construction details and sophisticated operation all help define what is a Mark Levinson – and what is not. We had no desire to simply put our name on a product that many would not consider a “real” Levinson.
Thus the challenge was clear: we needed to create an integrated amplifier that would do justice to Mark Levinson’s reputation. Some of the strategies necessary to achieve this goal include:
the power supplies Three power supplies divide the task of providing clean and stable DC power to the various circuit elements. Common mode and differential filtering capacitors are used on the AC mains input to
All communications and control circuitry are powered from a separate,
As one would expect in a Mark Levinson amplifier, left and right chan-