Extended AT Commands Manual Page 13 of 70 2009-06-25
2.3. Command Format
The AT command set in UART1 is based on ASCII text. The extended AT command set by
Qualcomm start with “AT$QC” and the extended AT command set by Maxon Australia start with
“AT$$”. All commands should finish by <CR>, 0x0d. Other formats and rules in the AT command
set keep to IS-707A.
Any spaces in the AT command field are ignored and the space in the parameter field should be
removed if it is not necessary unless otherwise specified.
With few exceptions the following syntax provides the given response for each AT command.
Where not applicable the response is ERROR:
Table 2-2
Command Description
AT***? reads current set value
AT***=? reads supported range of values
AT***=<value> changes current set value to new set value
NOTE: *** stands for the specific AT syntax.
2.4. Message Naming Convention
The following diagram shows the naming convention of messages between MT2 and TE2.
Figure 2-2 Naming convention diagram
<TE2 sends command to MT2>
Response (excluding AT)
Command (including AT)
<MT2 sends notification message to TE2>
Notification (excluding AT)
Indication (message)
Signal (H/W)
<MT2 sends H/W signalling to TE2>