with &D0)
&F4 Same as &F2 except for Macintosh computers (&F2
with &D0)
&F5 Same as &F except V.42bis and flow control are
&G0 Guard tone disabled
&G1 550 Hz guard tone
&G2 1800 Hz guard tone
&H Display help screen
&L0 Modem is set up for dial-up line operation
&L1 Modem is set up for leased-line operation
&L2 Modem is set up for Auto-connect leased-line operation
&M0 Asynchronous operation
&O0 Disable originate-only mode
&P0 US setting for off-hook-to-on-hook ratio
&P1 UK and Hong Kong off-hook-to-on-hook ratio
&S0 Force DSR Signal High (ON)
&S1 DSR off in command mode, on in on-line mode
&T0 Ends test in progress
&T1 Perform Local Analog Loopback Test
&T3 Perform Local Digital Loopback Test
&T4 Grant Remote Digital Loopback Test request by
remote modem
&T5 Deny Remote Digital Loopback Test request
&T6 Perform a Remote Digital Loopback Test
&T7 Perform a Remote Digital Loopback Test and Self-
&T8 Perform Local Analog Loopback Test and Self-Test
&V Displays Active and Stored Profiles
&W0 Stores the active profile as Profile 0
&W1 Stores the active profile as Profile 1
&Y0 Configuration Profile 0 active upon Power on or
&Y1 Configuration Profile 1 active upon Power on or reset
&Zn=x Store phone number x into non-volatile RAM(n=0-3)
%D0 Disable Clear-down signal
%D1 Enable Clear-down signal
%E0 Disable auto-retrain
%E1 Enable auto-retrain