Read Native Max Address
This command returns the native maximum address. The native maximum address is the highest address accepted by the drive in the factory default condition. The native maximum address is the maximum address that is valid when using the SET MAX ADDRESS command.
Set Max
Individual SET MAX commands are identified by the value placed in the Features register. After successful command completion, all read and write access attempts to addresses greater than specified by the successful SET MAX ADDRESS command are rejected with an IDNF error. IDENTIFY DEVICE response words 1, 54, 57, 60 and 71 will reflect the maximum address set with this command.
0 0 h | obsolete |
0 1 h | Set Max Set Password |
02h | Set Max Lock |
03h | Set Max Unlock |
04h | Set Max Freeze Lock |
reserved |
Set Max Password
Set Max Lock
After this
Set Max Unlock
If the password compare fails, then the drive returns command aborted and decrements the unlock counter. On the acceptance of the SET MAX LOCK command, this counter is set to a value of five and will be decremented for each password mismatch when SET MAX UNLOCK is issued and the drive is locked. When this counter reaches zero, then the SET MAX UNLOCK command will return command aborted until a power cycle.
If the password compare matches, then the drive will make a transition to the Set_Max_Unlocked state and all SET MAX commands will be accepted.
Set Max Freeze Lock
Set Max Address
Set Max Set Password
Set Max Lock
Set Max Unlock
7 – 7