Contro! features vary by model
After setting the cycle and pressing Cyde Selector dial, the display will show the esti-
mated minutes remaining in the cycle_The estimated time remaining may fluctuate to bet-
ter indicate the wash time left in the cycle_
Door Lock - lights whenever the door of the clothes washer is Iocked_The door can
be unlocked by pressing the Cycle Selector dial to pause the washer_
Contro! Lock
I_ Press the Wash/R!nse Temp and Spin Speed pads at the same time for three seconds_
2,The Control Loci< light will illuminate,
3,To unlock, press the Wash/Rinse Temp and Spin Speed pads at the same time for three seconds, The Control Loci< light will go out,
Cy¢!e indicator Lights
cycle,These lights will flash when the cycle has been paused,
Wash/Rinse Temp Spin Speed
Auto Temp Cor_troi
Pad indicator Lights
pad is selected,
Cycle Setting indicator Lights - Indicator lights by the cycle settings will illuminate when the selection is made,
The amount of water used will vary with each load,The blaytag Neptune ® clothes washer will automatically provide the appropriate amount of water for efficient cleaning perform- ance and conservation of water and energy, Fill time will vary depending on water pressure,