The brake assembly is located inside the domed area of the suspension housing and consists of the following compo- nents: brake spring retainer, brake spring, rotor and lining assembly, and the brake stator.
The brake assembly, as well as the snub- ber, is held in position by the brake stator which is secured to the underside of the suspension housing by six (6) mounting screws.
Spring pressure forces the rotor and lining assembly down on the brake stator and prevents the transmission from turning during agitation.
As stated previously, the drive pulley and cams provide a cam action which raises the drive pulley during the counterclock- wise (spin) direction of the motor. When the drive pulley hub travels upward, it compresses the brake spring and moves the rotor and lining assembly up the drive tube disengaging it from the stator. The transmission is now free to spin.
Splines in the brake rotor hub mesh with splines on the drive tube end to provide positive vertical movement for the rotor and lining assembly. The splines are greased for ease of movement.
The brake assembly has a compres- sive spring force of approximately 200 pounds. See the following in- structions for disassembly.
2.Remove the drive pulley and cam components as previously de- scribed.
3.Using brake removal tool number
•Pull out and remove "U" retainer from tool.
•Slip the splined end of the drive shaft into hole located in the tool inner plunger.
•Looking at the side of the tool, align slots on tool barrel and holes in tool plunger between splines and chamfered shoulder of shaft.
•Slip "U" retainer through tool slots and holes capturing the drive shaft behind the chamfered shoul- der.
NOTE: Be sure "U" retainer is completely through both sides of tool.
•Tighten tool nut to compress brake spring until transmission turns freely.
•Remove the six (6) screws which secure the brake stator and snub- ber to the underside of the sus- pension housing.
•Loosen tool nut until the brake spring reaches its free length.
•Remove "U" retainer from tool and remove tool from drive shaft.
•Remove brake components.
1.Disconnect the unit from the power source.
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