Ifyou have set up the Millennium 4 using the Searching
For Your Code procedure,you may need to find out which
four-digit code is operating your equipment:
For example,to find out which code is operating your TV:
1. Turn on your TV.
2. On the Millennium 4,press and hold SETUP
until the LED blinks twice,then release SETUP.
3. Enter 9- 9 - 0.The LED will blink twice.
4. To view the code for the first digit,press 1once.
Wait 3 seconds and count the number ofLED
blinks (e.g.,3 blinks = 3) and write down the
number in the leftmost TV Code box below.
NOTE:If a code digit is “0”,the LED will not blink.
5. Repeat step 4 three more times for remaining
digits.Use 2 for the second digit,3for the third
digit,and 4for the fourth digit.Finish writing
down the code in the TV Code boxes below.
6. To check for the codes ofyour other compo-
nents,repeat steps 1 through 5,but substitute
the appropriate key (i.e.,VCR,CBL,or AUDIO)
for the (VCR,Cable,or Audio) component you
are checking.Write down the codes in the
appropriate boxes below.
TV Code
VCR Code
AUDIO___________________ Code
Millennium 4 Mnl M4094 2/29/00 6:21 PM Page 27