METRObility Optical Systems 8100 Deleting a Rmon History Group, Modifying a Rmon History Group

Models: 8100

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Deleting a RMON History Group

To delete a History Group, enter the index number. Then, select Delete to remove the index item.

Modifying a RMON History Group

To modify an existing index item, enter the existing index number with the new information for each field. Then, select Save to complete the modification.

RMON History Group Configuration


A value from 1 – 65535. The value must be unique.



Not to be confused with Data Source Index.




Data Source

10 Mbps or 100 Mbps segment




Bucket requested

Number of sample buckets you want to collect and


store. The range is 1 to 65535.




Bucket granted

Number of sample buckets that will be collected and


stored. The number granted is affected by available


resources. (1-20)





Interval in seconds, between bucket samples.


The range of the interval is 1 to 3600 seconds


(1 hour). The default is 1800 seconds.





The entity that configured this entry and is using the re-


sources assigned to it. A string of up to 12 characters.





Valid/CreateRequest/UnderCreation/ Invalid


A valid status has all fields filled in. Setting the


status to invalid deletes the index. Indexes with


incomplete information in some fields automatically


set the status as UnderCreation.




Alarm Group Configuration

Alarm Group Configuration allows configuring alarms. The Alarm Group periodically takes statistical samples from variables in the probe and compares them to thresholds that have been configured. The alarm table stores configuration entries that each define a variable, polling period, and threshold parameters. If a sample is found to cross the threshold values, an event is generated. This function generates one event as a threshold is crossed in the appropriate direction. No more events are generated for that

54 CenturyStack 8100 Managed Hub

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METRObility Optical Systems 8100 Deleting a Rmon History Group, Modifying a Rmon History Group, Alarm Group Configuration