corder in the same way as you searched for and stored the TV signals. Store the test sig- nal under programme number 0.
•Replace the aerial cable in the aerial socket of your video recorder once you have stored the test signal.
Camera And Camcorder
To Connect To AV Input
Connect your camera or camcorder to AV
•Connect your equipment to the TV via VIDEO (yellow), AUDIO R (red) and AUDIO L (white) inputs. You must connect the jacks to the in- put using the same colour.
To Connect To S-VHS Input
Connect your camera or camcorder
•Connect your equipment to the TV via
EXT-3 S Mode
If the equipment connected to your TV set s u pp o r t s S - Vi d e o ( Y/ C ) o u tp u t fr o m Euroconnector, you can have a better picture quality by selecting
S)terminal of TV. See your equipment's booklet to check if your equipment has such feature.
Connect The Decoder To The Video Recorder
Some video recorders have a special Scart socket for decoder.
•Connect a Scart cable to the Scart socket of your decoder and to the special Scart socket of your video recorder. Refer to the booklet of your video recorder.
•To connect your video recorder to the TV, re- fer to the TV and Video Recorder section.
If you want to connect more equipment to your TV, consult your dealer.
Connecting Headphones
Use the stereo headphone socket at the rear side of the TV, to connect headphones.
Connecting Subwoofer
Use Subwoofer Out socket to connect an external, active subwoofer to the set to give a much deeper bass effect.
Connecting External Equipment
To connect audio amplifiers or home theatre systems to your TV, use the Audio Line Outs of the TV.
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