Forced mono
In some cases, your TV set may switch from mono
to stereo during a programme, although the sta-
tion is not transmitting a stereo signal. This is nor-
mally due to the local reception conditions. If you
activate „forced mono“ for the selected program-
me positions, all programmes will be reproduced
in mono, regardless of the received signal.
Noise reduction
This setting can be used to improve the quality of
pictures with „snow“ or other noise resulting from
poor reception conditions. Depending on the
amount of interference, various correction facilities
are available and the noise reduction can be set
individually for each programme position.
The panorama function permits "normal" pro-
grammes in 4:3 format to be adapted to the 16:9
format of the CRT. This is done by expanding the
width of the picture to fill the entire width of the
This function can be used to compensate for the
Earth’s magnetic field. It may be needed when the
TV set is first installed, or if the TV set is moved to
a different location, and the picture is not aligned
horizontally on the screen.
Stereo wide
When receiving programmes with stereo sound,
the physical distance between the loudspeakers
can be increased artificially to improve the stereo
Standard settings
Standard settings are all values (such as bright-
ness, volume, chrominance, etc.) which are the
same for all programme positions.
30. Glossary