MGETM GalaxyTM 6000 : Specification guide
Parallel UPS, three-phase, 250 to 3000 kVA*
* Power rating for an N+1 redundant configuration
3.5 - Limitation of harmonics upstream of the UPS
The UPS system shall not draw a level of harmonic currents that could disturb the upstream AC system, i.e. it shall comply with the stipulations of guide IEC
To that end, it shall be possible to equip each rectifier/charger input with a filter of the type …[compensated LC /
If necessary, it shall be possible to use an electronic active filtering system to obtain, at the normal AC input, the following levels, constant from 50% to 100% load:
ωtotal harmonic current distortion (THDI) upstream of the rectifier/charger not exceeding 4%;
ωinput power factor (pf) greater than 0.94.
3.6 - Efficiency
Overall efficiency shall be greater than or equal to:
ω95% at full rated load (In);
ω93% at half rated load (In/2).
3.7 - Noise level
The noise level for each unit, measured as per standard ISO 3746, shall be less than:
ω69 dBA () for 250 and 300 kVA units).
ω72 dBA () for 400, 450, 500 and 600 kVA units).
4 - AC sources
The UPS shall be designed to receive power from the sources listed below.
4.1 - Normal AC source
(rectifier input)
The normal AC source supplying the UPS shall, under normal operating conditions, have the following characteristics:
ωrated voltage: 380 - 400 or 415 volts rms at full rated load Pn;
ω voltage: |
| volts, ± 15%; |
ωnumber of phases: 3 + N + earth;
ω frequency: Hz ± 10%.
4.2 - Bypass AC source
(static-bypass input, if separate from rectifier input)
The bypass power supplying the UPS in the event of an inverter shutdown (maintenance, failure) or an overload
ω voltage: | / | volts, ± 10%; |
ωnumber of phases: 3 + N + earth; (a
ω frequency: Hz ± 5% (adjustable up to ± 2 Hz).
Outside these tolerances, it shall be possible to supply the load, but in downgraded mode.
5 - Electrical characteristics
5.1 - Rectifier and charger
5.1.1 - Supply
The rectifier and charger module shall be supplied via the normal AC input (see § 4. AC sources) and shall have the characteristics presented below.
5.1.2 - Inrush current
A device shall be provided to limit inrush currents.
When AC power fails and during genset start, the rectifier shall limit the power drawn to 70% of its rating for ten seconds. The remaining 30% shall be supplied by the battery.
5.1.3 - Battery-current limiting
For long battery life, an electronic device shall automatically limit the charging current to the maximum value
APC By Schneider Electric | Edition - 03/2009 | Spec. E - 6 |