Miele T 4422 C Problem Possible cause Remedy Programme has, Been interrupted, Flashing, Following

Models: T 4422 C

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Problem solving guide


Possible cause



The programme has

No obvious cause.


– Switch the dryer off and

been interrupted,



then on again.

the indicator lamp



– Then start the programme

for Hand iron or




Machine iron is



If the programme stops

flashing, and the





again and an indicator lamp

buzzer sounds.





flashes, there is a fault.







Contact the Miele Service





Check and fault indicator messages in the display





After the beginning

This is not a fault.


The electronic unit is

of the programme



calculating the drying time

the following



for the programme (see

symbols flash in the



“Guide to the appliance”).

display: "=== ... -== ...




== ... ".




Shortly before the

This might be because:


The drying process is not

end of the

– items of laundry may


yet complete. The

programme, the

have rolled up together.


programme needs more

count down of the

– the types of fabrics being


time than the electronic unit

time left to run halts

dried may take different


calculated at the start of the

at 11 or 6, horizontal


programme. The time count

times to dry.


bars flash but the


down is suspended until the

– the fluff filters are


dryer continues to


degree of drying selected





has been reached.

– the temperature in the






room may have







The programme has

This is not a fault. The


Use the "Timed drying -

been stopped, the

electronic unit has


Warm air" programme to dry


recognised that there is no


individual items.

lamp comes on, 0

laundry in the drum and


Before changing a

appears in the

cancelled the programme.


programme: Open and

display and the

Drying individual garments


close the drum door.

buzzer sounds.

or items which are already




dry can also cause the




programme to be stopped.




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Image 32
Miele T 4422 C Problem Possible cause Remedy Programme has, Been interrupted, Flashing, Buzzer sounds, Following, End, Dry