Miele T 9820 Fault indicators, Check Filter/Vent indicator lights Possible fault Solution

Models: T 9820

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Frequently asked questions

Fault indicators

The "Check Filter/Vent" indicator lights.

Possible fault


The dryer does not work

– Usually cleaning the lint filter fixes the problem.

at its optimum or not

If the problem persists, check all possibilities as

efficiently. The lint filter

described under "The program runs too long or

might be clogged with


lint or detergent

– Open and close the door to turn off the indicator.



The exhaust duct may

With a long exhaust duct, program times and energy

be too long. This is not a

consumption increase. See Installation Instructions.



A program is canceled.


The "Check Filter/Vent" indicator flashes.

The fault cannot be detected immediately.

Check the possible faults as described above.

Open and close the door to turn off the indicator.

Start a program.

If the problem persists call Technical Service.

The dryer is making a thumping or grinding sound.

The sound is caused by the high airflow rate in the ducting of the dryer. This is not a fault.

To determine if the noise is due to airflow, temporarily remove the exhaust duct from the machine. If the noise lessens, the ductwork is the cause of the noise. Rigid or flexible aluminum ducting is the best option for reducing the noise.

If the problem persists please contact Technical Service.


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Miele T 9820 operating instructions Fault indicators, Check Filter/Vent indicator lights Possible fault Solution