Precautions 2
CF2001P 2-3
2.2 Operation Precautions
Operating environment
The environmental requirements for correct operation of the pr inter ar e as
GTemperature: 50°F (10°C) to 86°F (30°C) with fluctuations of no mor e
than 18°F (10°C) within an hour
GHumidity: 25% to 85% with fluctuations of no more than 20% within an
Proper use
To ensure the optimum performance of the printer, follow the pre caut ions
listed below.
-Never open any printer doors or turn off the printer while i t i s printing;
otherwise, a paper jam will occur.
-Never bring any magnetized object or use flammable sprays or liquids
near the printer.
Always make sure that the power plug is completely plugged into the
electrical outlet.
-Always make sure that the printer’s power plug is visible and not hid-
den by the printer.
Always unplug the printer from the electrical outlet if the unit is not to
be used for a long period of time.
Always provide good ventilation when making a large number of con-
tinuous prints.
A negligible amount of ozone is generated during normal operation
of this printer. An unpleasant odor may, however, be detected in
poorly ventilated rooms during extensive printer operations.
§For a comfortable operating environment, it is recommended that the
room be well ventilated.