2-2 CF2001P
Space requirements
To ensure easy printer operation, supply replacement, and maint enanc e,
adhere to the recommended space requirements detailed below.
Be sure to allow a clearance of 4 in. (100 mm) or more at the back of
the printer for the ventilation duct.
63.98 (1,625)
34.41 (874)
45.28 (1,150)
10.43 8.27
20 (510) 31 (787) 4
55 (1,397)
Unit: inch (mm)
(265) (210)
Unit: inch (mm)
62.17 (1,579)
38.50 (978)
44.65 (1,134)
9.25 8.27
20 (510) 31 (787) 4
55 (1,397)
(235) (210)