Mitel GW620 manual Organiser, Adding an event to your calendar, Select Calendar

Models: GW620

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Adding an event to your calendar

1Select Calendar.

2You need to create a Google account first to use Calendar.

3Select the date to which you want to add an event.

4Press Menu key and touch New event.

5Touch What and enter the event name. Check the date and enter the time you want your event to begin. You can enter the time and date the event finishes in the lower date and time boxes

6Also touch Where and enter the location.

7If you would like to add a note to your event, touch Description and type in the details.

8If you want to repeat the alarm, set Repetition and set reminders if necessary.

9Touch Save to save the event in the calendar. A coloured square in the calendar will mark all days that have saved events, and an alarm will sound at the event start time, to help you staying organised.

Changing your default calendar view

1Select Calendar on the Google tab. Press Menu key.

2Touch You can select the calendar view for 1day, a week or a month.

84 LG GW620 User Guide

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Mitel GW620 manual Organiser, Adding an event to your calendar, Select Calendar, Press Menu key and touch New event