U s e r M a n u a l D r e a m b o x D M 7 0 2 5 | english |
You are in the TV or Radio mode.
Press the Text-Buttonto enter the teletext.
Keep in mind that not every station transmits teletext!
Teletext - regular navigation:
If you are viewing any teletext page you can enter the interactive mode by pressing the OK-Button. Use the Navigation-Buttonsto select a text page number and press the OK-Buttonto call this page. You don’t need to type in a text page number in this mode, but it is still possible.
Press the EXIT-Buttonto exit.
Press the Mute-Buttona couple of times to toggle between transparent-mode, invisible-mode and full mode. The alpha-mode shows the picture from the running program through the text pages. The invisible-mode shows the complete picture from the running program without exiting the teletext. The full-mode brings back the text page.
Press the Volume-up-Buttonto toggle between double high from the upper half, double high from the lower half and full view text page.
Press the Volume-down-Buttonto activate or deactivate the PIG-Mode (Picture in Graphics). Same view from Text page and Program picture. (best results are show on 16:9 TV’s during 4:3 transmission).
Teletext configuration menu:
If the teletext page 100 is shown you can press the MENU-Buttonto enter the teletext configuration menu.