U s e r M a n u a l D r e a m b o x D M 7 0 2 5


Use the Navigation-Buttons left and right to change the values.

Color format:


RGB (Red, Green, Blue separated),

SVideo (Color- and Brightness signal separated)

Aspect ratio:

4:3 Letterbox (Standard), (16:9 programs will be displayed on 4:3 TV’s with black beams at top and bottom)

4:3 Panscan (16:9 programs will be zoomed to full high on 4:3 TV’s, parts of the picture on the left and right side will cut off)

16:9 (programs transmitted in 16:9 will be displayed automatically in 16:9, on 4:3 TV’s the picture will be reduced in height)

16:9 always (16:9 mode will be forced)

16:10 Letterbox and 16:10 Panscan (Choose these options if 4:3 and 16:9 result in a distorted view on your screen.)

TV System:

Choose the standard that your TV supports. PAL or NTSC.

WSS on 4:3:

Check the checkbox to disable zooming on some 16:9 TV’s during 4:3 transmissions.

AC3 default:

If a program is transmitted with an AC3 audio track (e.g. Dolby Digital), the Dreambox switches automatically to this audio track.

The AC3 signal will only be available at the optical socket. The Dreambox has no built-in Dolby Digital Decoder, AC3 signals are not available on the analog socket, therefore you need an external Dolby Digital Amplifier to adjust the volume.

VCR Switch:

If this function is enabled (standard) the signal from the VCR Scart is directly passed to the TV. Depending on the model the this is either enabled when you turn on the device or when you start a replay.

Press the green Options-Buttonto save the setting or the red Options-Buttonto discard them.

You are taken back to the “System“ menu.

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