9 - 7
9.2.2 Remedies for alarms
CAUTION y When any alarm has occurred, eliminate its cause, ensure safety, then reset the
alarm, and restart operation. Otherwise, injury may occur.
y When any of the following alarms has occurred, always remove its cause and
allow about 15 minutes for cooling before resuming operation. If operation is
resumed by switching control circuit power off, then on to reset the alarm,
the servo amplifier and servo motor may become faulty.
x Overload 1 (A. 50)
x Overload 2 (A. 51)
y The alarm can be deactivated by switching power off, then on or by turning
on the reset signal (RES). For details, refer to Section 9.2.1.
When an alarm occurs, the trouble signal (ALM) switches off and the dynami c bra ke i s opera ted t o s top t he
servomotor. At this time, the display indicates the alarm No.
The servo motor comes to a stop. Remove the cause of the alarm in accordance with this section. The
optional Servo Configuration Software may be used to refer to the cause.
Display Name Definition Cause Action
1. Power supply voltage is low.
2. Power failed instantaneously for
15ms or longer.
3. Shortage of power supply capacity
caused the power supply voltage to
drop at start, etc.
4. Power switched on within 5s after
it had switched off.
Review the power supply.
A. 10 Undervoltage Power suppl y
voltage dropped to
20V or less
5. Faulty parts in the servo amplifier
Alarm (10) occurs if power is
switched on after connectors
are disconnected.
Checking method Change the servo amplifier.
A. 11 Board error 1 Printed board faulty
A. 12 Memory error 1 RAM, ROM memory
A. 13 Clock error Printed board fault
A. 15 Memory error 2 EEPROM fault
Faulty parts in the servo amplifier
Alarm (any of 11 to 13 and 15)
occurs if power is switched on
after connectors CN1A, CN1B,
CNP2, CNP3 are disconnected.
Checking method Change the servo amplifier.
1. CNP2 connector disconnected. Connect correctly.
2. Encoder fault Change the servo motor.
A. 16 Encoder error 1 Communication
error occurred
between encoder
and servo amplifier. 3. Motor cable faulty
(Encoder wiring broken or shorted) Repair or change cable.