9 - 11
Display Name Definition Cause Action
1. Communication cable fault
(Open cable or short circuit) Repair or change the cable.A. 8E Serial
error occurred
between servo
amplifier and
device (e.g. personal
2. Communication device (e.g.
personal computer) faulty Change the communication device (e.g.
personal computer).
8888 Watchdog CPU, parts faulty Fault of parts in servo amplifier

Alarm (8888) occurs if power is

switched on after connectors

CN1A, CN1B, CNP2, CNP3 are


Checking method Change servo amplifier.
9.2.3 Remedies for WarningsIf A.E1 (overload warning) occurs, operation may be continued but an alarm may take place or properoperation may not be performed. If another warning (A.E6 or A.E9) occurs, the servo amplifier will go intoa servo-off status. Eliminate the cause of the warning according to this section. Use the optional ServoConfiguration software to refer to the cause of warning.
Display Name Definition Cause Action
A. E1 Overload
warning There is a possibility that
overload alarm 1 or 2 may
Load increased to 85% or more of
overload alarm 1 or 2 occurrence level.
Cause, checking method
Refer to A. 50, 51.
Refer to A. 50, A. 51.
A. E6 Servo forced stopEMG-SG are open. External forced stop was made valid.
(EMG-SG opened.) Ensure safety and deactivate
forced stop.
A. E9 Main circuit off
warning Servo was switched on
with main circuit power
Switch on main circuit power.