3 - 25
(b) Speed selection 1 (SP1), speed selection 2 (SP2) and speed command value
Choose any of the speed settings made by the internal speed commands 1 to 3 using speed selection
1 (SP1) and speed selection 2 (SP2) or the speed setting made by the analog speed command (VC).
(Note) External Input Signals
SP2 SP1 Speed Command Value
0 0 Analog speed command (VC)
0 1 Internal speed command 1 (parameter No. 8)
1 0 Internal speed command 2 (parameter No. 9)
1 1 Internal speed command 3 (parameter No. 10)
Note. 0 : SP1/SP2-SG off (open)
1 : SP1/SP2-SG on (short)
The speed may be changed during rotation. In this case, the values set in parameters No. 11 and 12
are used for acceleration/deceleration.
When the speed has been specified under any internal speed command, it does not vary due to the
ambient temperature.
(2) Speed reached (SA)
SA-SG are connected when the servo motor speed nearly reaches the speed set to the internal speed
command or analog speed command.
Set speed selection Inter nal speed
command 1
Internal speed
command 2
Start (ST1,ST2)
Servo motor speed
Speed reached (SA)
(3) Torque limit
As in Section 3.4.1 (2).