Chapter 3: Device Configuration |
Field Name | Field Description | Field Default |
| Value |
the node set to Force Unauthorized.
In Local mode, the User ID and password for all devices requesting peer-
Local ID | The specified Local ID is used for communication authentication with an | LOCAL |
| Intelligent Access Point device (IAP). |
Local | The password used for authentication control between a local subscriber | 1234 |
Password | device and an IAP device. |
Group ID | The specified Group ID is used for authentication control between local | GROUP |
| subscriber devices when communicating in |
Group | The password used between local subscriber devices that belong to the | 1234 |
Password | same assigned group and share the same password. |
Geo Settings Section
Field Name | Field Description | Field Default Value |
Enable Geo Position | Selecting this checkbox enables the reporting of the | Checkbox Disabled |
| device’s physical location in Geo coordinates. |
Reporting Interval | This value represents how often the devices position is | 0 |
| relayed to the Primary and secondary (if IP address |
| provided) MAP server. |
Primary MAP server | The IP address of the Primary (main) MAP Server where | 0 |
| the Geo location coordinates are to be sent. The address |
| may be provided by a Network Administrator or user |
| running the MOTOMESH MeshView application. |
Secondary MAP | The IP address of the Secondary (additional) MAP Server | 0 |
server | or workstation where the Geo location coordinates are to |
| be sent. The address may be provided by a Network |
Administrator or user running the MOTOMESH
MeshView application.