•An IEEE 802.11g wireless access point to enable laptop users to remain connected while moving around the home or small office or to connect desktop computers without installing network wiring. Depending on distance, wireless connection speeds can vary.
•A secure
•SBG901 Configuration Manager (CMGR) which provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for easy configuration of necessary wireless, Ethernet, router, DHCP, and security settings.
•Port Forwarding to configure ports to run applications having special network requirements.
For the most recent product documentation, visit the Modems & Gateways page on the Motorola website: http://broadband.motorola.com/consumers/support/default.asp.
SBG901 LAN Choices
You can connect up to 245 client computers to the SBG901 using one or any combination of the following network connections:
•Ethernet local area network (LAN)
•Wireless LAN (WLAN)
Each computer needs appropriate network adapter hardware and driver software. The clients on the Ethernet or wireless interfaces can share:
•Internet access with a single Internet Service provider account, subject to Internet Service provider terms and conditions.
•Files, printers, storage devices,
•Wireless and wired network connections use Windows networking to share files and peripheral devices such as printers,
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