
A device that enables communication between networks using



different protocols. The SBG901 enables up to 245 computers



supporting IEEE 802.11b/g or Ethernet to share a single broadband



Internet connection.






Internet Service Provider





MAC address

The Media Access Control address is a unique, 48-bit value



permanently saved in ROM at the factory to identify each Ethernet



network device. It is expressed as a sequence of 12 hexadecimal



digits printed on a label on the bottom of the SBG901. You need to



provide the HFC MAC address to the Internet Service provider. Also



called an Ethernet address, physical address, hardware address, or



NIC address.






Network Address Translation is an Internet standard for a LAN to use



one set of IP addresses for internal traffic and a second set of IP



addresses for external traffic.






A pass-through client on the SBG901 LAN obtains its public IP



address from the Internet Service provider’s DHCP server.





port mirroring

A feature that enables one port (source) on the SBG901 to be copied



to another port (destination) to be studied. The destination mirrors



the transmitted (from) or received (to) data on the source port to



enable the person managing the network to monitor activity.





port triggering

A mechanism that allows incoming communication with specified



applications. Primarily used for gaming applications.





private IP

An IP address assigned to a computer on the SBG901 LAN by the



DHCP server on the SBG901 for an address-specified lease time.



Private IP addresses are used by the SBG901 LAN only; they are



invisible to devices on the Internet. See also public IP address.





public IP address

The IP address assigned to the SBG901 by the Internet Service



provider. A public IP address is visible to devices on the Internet. See



also private IP address.






Quality of service describes the priority, delay, throughput, and



bandwidth of a connection.






The most common type of connector for household or office phones.






An 8-pin modular connector; this is the most common connector



type for 10Base-T or 100Base-T Ethernet networks.





B • Glossary