Advanced IP Filtering Page

This page allows you to define which local PCs will be denied access to the SBG901 WAN. You can configure IP address filters to block Internet traffic to specific network devices on the LAN by entering starting and ending IP address ranges. Note that you only need to enter the LSB (Least-significant byte) of the IP address; the upper bytes of the IP address are set automatically from the SBG901 Configuration Manager’s IP address.

The Enabled option allows you to store filter settings commonly used but not have them active.


Field Descriptions for the Advanced IP Filtering Page







Start Address

Enter the starting IP address range of the computers for which you


want to deny access to the SBG901 WAN. Be sure to only enter


the least significant byte of the IP address.



End Address

Enter the ending IP address range of the computers you want to


deny access to the SBG901 WAN. Be sure to only enter the least


significant byte of the IP address.




Activates the IP address filter, when selected.


Checkmark Enabled for each range of IP addresses you want to


deny access to the SBG901 WAN.



When done, click Apply to activate and save your settings.

6 • Advanced Pages