Access Your Email
Set Up | Time varies |
To set up your IT managed corporate email account, you will need a PIN or server address from your corporate IT organization. Contact your IT administrator for more information about Microsoft® Direct Push and Good Mobile Messaging support for the MOTO Q™ 9h global.
Microsoft® Direct Push | 4 minutes |
Microsoft Direct Push provides wireless access to your corporate email, contacts, calendar and tasks for
Microsoft Exchange Server. Contact your IT administrator for set up instructions (such as server address). Before you use Microsoft Direct Push, activate a “PDA Enterprise for Microsoft” data plan on your AT&T account.
Good® Mobile Messaging
Good Mobile Messaging provides wireless access to your corporate email, calendar, contacts, tasks and notes for Microsoft® Exchange Server or IBM Lotus Domino. On your smartphone, select Start > All Programs > IM & Email
>Get Good to download Good Mobile Messaging to your MOTO Q™ 9h global. Your IT administrator can give you the PIN you need in order to download and install Good Mobile Messaging. Before you use
Good Mobile Messaging, you must activate a “PDA Enterprise for Good” data plan on your AT&T account.