Motorola i833 manual My Info, Gps, Contacts, Messages, Call Forward, Datebook, Memo, Call Timers

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Getting Started


j My Info

View personal handset


information, including


phone number and Private


ID. See page 7.


Find your approximate


geographical location. See


page 70.

d Contacts

View, store, edit contacts.

new contact form

See page 30.

list of contacts


Contacts menu


e Messages

Access messages. See

Voice Mail

page 45.

Fax Mail


Net Alert


Text Inbox




Text Outbox


Quick Notes


f Call Forward

Set call forwarding options.


See page 37.

o Datebook

Schedule appointments.

new event form

See page 58.

list of events


Datebook menu


g Memo

Store a number to access


later. See page 78.

h Call Timers

Handset usage information.


See page 41.

i Recent Calls

Lists recent calls. See

list of calls

page 28.

recent calls menu


Call Setup menu


s Shortcuts

Create shortcuts to


screens. See page 79.

p Profiles

Groups of setting you apply

new profile form

together. See page 87.

list of profiles


Profiles menu


k Call Alert

Lists call alerts. See

list of call alerts

page 19.

Call Alerts menu



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Motorola i833 manual My Info, Gps, Contacts, Messages, Call Forward, Datebook, Memo, Call Timers, Recent Calls, Shortcuts