Scroll to select the number of days you want your messages to be saved.
5Select Auto Clean Up. Set this option to On if you want your phone to delete sent messages.
If you set Auto Clean Up to On, select Clean Up After to set the number of days after which sent messages are deleted or the number of messages to be kept.
6Select Quick Notes to create a [New Note] or press - under Edit to change the pre- written quick notes.
Quick notes are short,
7Press - under Done to save the information you entered.
receive a text message
1To view the message press - under
2To dismiss the message notification press - under Exit.
Note: If your phone is powered off when you receive a text message, your phone notifies you the next time you power it on. If you are out of your coverage area, your phone alerts you when you return to your coverage area.
Tip: While reading a text and numeric message that contains a phone number, you can press S to call that number.
read from the Message center
1From the home screen press - under
Msgs > Inbox.
2Select the message you want to read or press the number of the message you