Select the song you want to add to your favorites and press M > Add To Favorites.
work with podcasts
Find it: M > j > Audio Player > Podcasts.
Note: The Podcasts folder is empty until you download podcasts from your computer.
1Scroll to view individual podcast episodes or folders containing multiple episodes of the same program.
2Press r to view the podcast episodes within a folder or the details screen of an individual podcast episode.
You can pause, resume,
Some functions differ when playing a podcast:
•Pressing rwhen you have scrolled to a podcast displays a screen showing
podcast details, but does not play the podcast. To play the podcast, press - under Play. After you begin playing the podcast, pressing r pauses and resumes the podcast.
•If the podcast you are playing contains highlights, pressing and releasing the right or left skips to the next or previous highlight within the podcast, or to the beginning or end of the podcast.
Highlights are portions of a podcast that are marked to help you find them more easily. Some podcasts you download may already have highlights marked. You can use the music player to add and delete highlight markers. Press and release (don’t hold) the right or left to find them.