Tx Multicasts: Total number of good multicast packets.
Tx Collisions: Total number frames experiencing collisions.
Tx 64 Bytes: Total number 64 byte frames transmitted
Tx 65 to 127 Bytes: Total number frames transmitted in the size range 65 to 127 bytes.
Tx 128 to 255 Bytes: Total number frames transmitted in the size range 128 to 255 bytes.
Tx 256 to 511 Bytes: Total number frames transmitted in the size range 256 to 511 bytes.
Tx 512 to 1023 Bytes: Total number frames transmitted in the size range 512 to 1023 bytes.
Tx 1024 to Max: Total number frames transmitted in the size range 1024 to Maximum bytes.
Tx FIFO Drops: Total number frames dropped due to lack of capacity in the transmit buffer,
for example when the 600 Series bridge is connected to the local Ethernet at a connection
speed of less than 1 Gbps.
Rx & Tx High Priority: Total number of received or transmitted frames marked as high
Rx & Tx Low Priority: Total number of received or transmitted frames marked as low priority.
Rx & Tx Pause Frames: Total number of received or transmitted pause frames.
Rx Classifier Drops: Total number of received frames dropped due to the application of
classifier rules.
Statistics Page Refresh Period: The statistics page refreshes automatically according to the
setting entered here (in seconds).
8.3.4 Install Pages
These pages are used during system installation. There follows a description of the install
pages along with their use during the installation configuration process. The actual installation
process is described in section 7.7.11.
All wireless links are shipped as paired units. They are pre-configured at the factory so that
they can be installed without the user supplying any configuration. Each wireless link is
shipped with a quick start guide. Attached to the quick start guide is a summary of the pre-
configured configuration data. Table 10 shows a sample link configuration. The values
highlighted have been committed to the wireless unit’s non-volatile storage.