8.2 Systems Status Page
The status page has been designed to give the system administrator a detailed view of the
operation of the 600 Series Bridge from both the wireless and network perspectives.
The page is subdivided into three main categories Equipment, Wireless, Telecoms and
Ethernet/Internet. The ‘Equipment’ section contains the unit’s inventory and identification
information. The ‘Wireless’ section presents the key wireless metrics, which are displayed as
a series of measurements and histograms. The ‘Ethernet/Internet’ section describes the unit’s
network identity and connectivity. “Telecoms” controls the unit’s E1/T1 telecoms interfaces.
The status page can be configured to refresh itself at an operator defined rate (if the user is
logged in as system administrator). The refresh period defaults to 3600 seconds and can
easily be changed to refresh at any period between 3 seconds and 3600 seconds. Pressing
the ‘Update Page Refresh Period’ button causes a new page refresh period to be adopted by
the system. The page refresh mechanism uses a HTML Meta refresh command. Therefore
the refresh is always initiated by the local browser and not by the 600 Series Bridge at this
The two 600 Series bridges units are arranged in a master and slave relationship. The roles
of the units in this relationship are displayed in the page title. The master unit will always have
the title ‘- Master’, and the slave will always have ‘- Slave’ appended to the ‘Systems Status’
page title.
Figure 28 - Status Page