Each end of the link consists of:
An integrated outdoor transceiver unit containing all the radio and networking electronics
hereafter referred to as the Outdoor Unit (ODU).
An indoor connection box containing a mains power supply, status indicators and network
connection port. Hereafter referred to as the Power Indoor Unit Plus (PIDU Plus).
A pair of units is normally supplied pre-configured as a link.
The network connection to a PTP 600 Series Bridge is made via a 1000BaseT Ethernet
connection. Power is provided to the ODU over the 1000BaseT Ethernet connection using a
patented non-standard powering technique.
Previous releases of the PTP 600 Series Bridge platform used different powering and
connection arrangements. Users of equipment prior to “Mod Record 1” should refer to the
User Guide shipped with the original equipment. The “Mod Record” label can be found on the
back of the ODU as shown in Figure 2.
Figure 2 - Mod Record Label