Mesh Enabled Architecture WMC6300 Windows Users Guide
Starting MeshTray
During the software installation process, you can choose to place a MeshTray shortcut icon on
the desktop.
To start the MeshTray application, double-click on the MeshTray icon or from the Start menu
select Programs Æ mea Æ MeshTray.exe.
Clicking on the MeshTray icon in the system tray restores the application to a property sheet
interface as shown in Figure 44.
MeshTray Status Tab
When the utility is launched, MeshTray displays useful system information such as a Description
of the device, the MAC and IP address of the device, and the Type of device (i.e., Subscriber
Device). The Firmware Version and Firmware Build Date displayed here can be used to verify
the correct firmware revision is currently loaded on the device, particularly after a firmware
upgrade. The associated IAP MAC address and the IAP Link Quality are also displayed.
Figure 49. MeshTray Status Tab