The User Priority service can be provisioned on a per node basis for use with tiered service and
emergency access systems. This priority feature is unique to the MEA network and only exists
between endpoints within the MEA network or between a MEA network node and the entry/exit
node on the MEA network.
Nodes outside of the MEA Core LAN cannot request a particular priority for transmitted or
received traffic. Any traffic into the MEA network needing prioritization must be prioritized at the
entry access point or router. Any traffic out of the MEA network will lose its priority assignment
at the exit.
MEA wireless traffic will carry priorities attached to each packet. The MeshAPI can be used to
tune the default priority of the local node.
The available priority settings are assigned with the Priority Drop-Down box shown in Figure 52.
Figure 52. MeshTray Configuration Tab Priority Settings
Setting the Priority Level for the WMC6300
Use the Priority drop-down box to select the desired Priority Level. The range is Level_0 to
Level_7. The Network Administrator can limit the number of priority levels available for the